How to use lazyvim on macos elegantly?
Welcome to my blog! What I want to share today is how to use lazyvim as your IDE on the mac platform. 0x01. InstallationBefore staring the discuss of today’s topic, you need to install neovim firs... -
Learning pwndbg Debugging Through a Reverse Engineering Challenge from CyberSpace CTF
Today, I’ll demonstrate gdb debugging techniques in a Linux environment using a basic reverse engineering challenge from CyberSpace CTF, while also showing how it can effectively replace Cheat Engi... -
Share your Posts Without TikTok
Rednotes, the perfect alternative to TikTok. Why not TikTok?Tiktok used to be a good social platform for us to share our wonderful moments, but due to political reasons, Tiktok may face the risk of...